Splash Fall 2016
Course Catalog
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A388: David Foster Wallace
Difficulty: **
Thomas Nielsen
Curious about one of the most preeminent writers of the last 30 years, but don't know where to start? Join fellow students in a roundtable conversation about David Foster Wallace's short stories and non-fictional writing that I hope will give you a primer to his longer works. We will read his short story "The Depressed Person," his commencement speech at Kenyon entitled "This Is Water," and, if we have time, nonfictional essays from his anthology "Consider the Lobster." We will be especially interested in exploring the nature of human empathy and how it plays out in different social scenarios and situations in Wallace's writing.
A389: Classical Music Before Bach
Difficulty: ***
Thomas Nielsen
Interested in classical music but unfamiliar with the 600 years of notated music that existed in Europe before the time of Bach? Look no further! In this class, we will review works from the Gregorian Chant up to Bach's near-contemporaries such as Dieterich Buxtehude and Claudio Monteverdi. You will learn about Renaissance musical notation and about how the modern system of notation developed from it.
A background in classical music, either through playing an instrument or composing. Must be able to read music.
A background in classical music, either through playing an instrument or composing. Must be able to read music.
A396: Introduction to Chinese/East Asian Music
Difficulty: **
Survey and introduction to Chinese Classical Music and other traditional musics of East Asia.
A397: Conducting Classical Music
Difficulty: **
Introduction to conducting Western classical music, as well as Eastern/Chinese classical music, and the differences between these two traditions and how such differences are reflecged in performance.
Some background in classical music.
Some background in classical music.
A404: Poetry Fun
Difficulty: **
Jim Rush
Hey you. Have fun writing poems on November 5. Come join me.
A405: Introduction to Chinese Philosophy
Difficulty: **
Pei Shen
A survey of and introduction to Chinese philosophy, including Confucianism and Daoism and the work of related philosophers.
A409: How to win friends and love and influence peopl Full!
Difficulty: *
Nathan Bendich
Do you have too many friends? Have you ever wondered why you're single? Has there ever been a teacher who didn't like you? Do you want a more peaceful world? Ever been short on money?
Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" has helped millions of people since it was published during the Great Depression, and it can help you too!
Come to practice being more likable! We had a lot of fun last year!
Be able to speak English or bring a friend with you who speaks your native language
Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" has helped millions of people since it was published during the Great Depression, and it can help you too!
Come to practice being more likable! We had a lot of fun last year!
Be able to speak English or bring a friend with you who speaks your native language
E408: The Maker Movement: An explosion of DIY culture and how you can be a part of it
Difficulty: *
Bowen Yu
What is the philosophy of the Maker Movement? Who are Makers? What are all the awesome things they're doing and how can I join in on it? We'll be discussing these question and more!
In recent years, there has been an explosion in Do It Yourself culture and it's even a bit hipster now. But it can be hard to pin down what exactly Making is. Often there seem to be large barriers to entry that might scare people off, but in one hour I will try and show you all the cool ways that you can be a Maker without fancy equipment and hopefully inspire you to come up with your own projects.
A passion for DIY *anything* or willingness to learn!
In recent years, there has been an explosion in Do It Yourself culture and it's even a bit hipster now. But it can be hard to pin down what exactly Making is. Often there seem to be large barriers to entry that might scare people off, but in one hour I will try and show you all the cool ways that you can be a Maker without fancy equipment and hopefully inspire you to come up with your own projects.
A passion for DIY *anything* or willingness to learn!
E433: Introduction to Civil Engineering
Difficulty: **
Stephanie Berrios,
Charlotte Broadbent
This course will offer an overview of civil engineering including the sub-disciplines of this field, roles and responsibilities of a civil engineer, and project considerations. The class will culminate with a mini-group activity in which students will take on the role of civil engineers.
H382: Intro to writing Raps
Difficulty: ***
Max Zegans
Are you a fan of hip hop and rap? Have you ever wanted to compose your own raps, but didn't know how? This class will break down how raps are composed and guide you through the rap writing process. We will examine examples of rap from the early days of hip hop culture to the present, and students will have the option to share their own compositions if they so wish.
H399: Generalized Logic Full!
Difficulty: ***
Zachary Richards
Logic from the dawn of philosophy has been presented as the primary form of analyzing and comprehending the world. Here we will discuss a generalized logic from which logic as it currently stands derives its foundations. We will derive predicate logic, linear logic, circular logic and more from this generalized form of logic.
H400: Poets Whose Miserable Lives Made their Works Awesome
Difficulty: **
Laura Hand
A basic course on prosody and the mildly cathartic tales of poet woes throughout the centuries.
H401: Generalized Metaphysics
Difficulty: ***
Zachary Richards
In this class we will consider the general framework of properties with which all living things engage. Following will be a discussion of the limits of any living thing given that framework, namely the inseparability of a living thing's constitution with it's inhabited world. Finally, we will derive a fundamental theory of value and from it a proposed basis for truth, morals and aesthetics.
H402: Generalized Ethics Full!
Difficulty: ***
Zachary Richards
Starting with the fundamental definition of value, we will consider on of its areas of implication, the generalized framework of ethics for any given living thing. We will derive several practical rules, a generalized framework for wisdom, and a discussion of what constitutes the best life.
H403: Generalized Consciousness Full!
Difficulty: **
Zachary Richards
Here we will consider the general framework of consciousness for all possible living things. Considered is a theory of what constitutes consciousness as relates to the instantiation of value insofar as it relates to what defines living things, the presence of value perceptions in consciousness and aesthetics derived from that.
H416: Introduction to Hungarian Through Song
Difficulty: *
Jessie Oehrlein
We'll cover basic Hungarian* by singing (mostly children's) songs! You'll learn very important vocabulary words like yellow, raspberry, icicle, and animal.
*I do not guarantee that you'll be able to hold any kind of reasonable conversation.
Willingness to sing very silly songs
*I do not guarantee that you'll be able to hold any kind of reasonable conversation.
Willingness to sing very silly songs
H438: Unconventional Editing Techniques
Difficulty: **
Emily Flahive
Who would have thought that shape, color, and size have anything to do with the secret to perfecting an essay?
The editing process can be arduous at times. We've all been there: after hours spent re-reading this essay start-to-finish, you don't even want to look at it anymore. "Ugh, whatever! I'll just hand it in like this."
However, editing doesn't have to be so bad! In this class, we will explore editing techniques they don't teach you in school (but they totally should) that will make the editing process so much less time-consuming and more bearable (dare I say, even, *fun*? No? It's just me? Ok.)
The editing process can be arduous at times. We've all been there: after hours spent re-reading this essay start-to-finish, you don't even want to look at it anymore. "Ugh, whatever! I'll just hand it in like this."
However, editing doesn't have to be so bad! In this class, we will explore editing techniques they don't teach you in school (but they totally should) that will make the editing process so much less time-consuming and more bearable (dare I say, even, *fun*? No? It's just me? Ok.)
H448: The Internet, the Law, and You
Difficulty: **
Eric Mannes
Why are Facebook, Yelp, and online sex-ed all possible? Can a prime number be illegal, and does that make your computer less safe? Do you have any privacy when browsing the web, and should you care?
The internet is more than some servers, wires, and computer algorithms. Law from across the world has made the internet what it is. In this class, you'll learn about the internet's legal landscape and how it affects you every day.
The internet is more than some servers, wires, and computer algorithms. Law from across the world has made the internet what it is. In this class, you'll learn about the internet's legal landscape and how it affects you every day.
H456: The Unconscious Brain: Implicit Bias & Snap Judgements
Difficulty: ***
Zuben Brown,
Stephanie Siegmund
Does your mind make decisions for you, before you even realize? Are you biased? In this 2016 campaign season, the term "Implicit Bias" has been a hop topic of discussion. Come learn what biases you may hold with even realizing it.
ADVISORY: This class will be participation-based, please come with an open mind and ready to discuss your thoughts!
ADVISORY: This class will be participation-based, please come with an open mind and ready to discuss your thoughts!
H395: Russian 101
Difficulty: *
Provence Barnouin
Ever wanted to try out Pushkin's and Putin's mother tongue?
In this course, you will learn basic Russian expressions, the cyrillic alphabet and some interesting Russian cultural facts!
Мы говорим по-русский!
Some familiarity with the Greek alphabet is recommended, but not required.
Ever wanted to try out Pushkin's and Putin's mother tongue?
In this course, you will learn basic Russian expressions, the cyrillic alphabet and some interesting Russian cultural facts!
Мы говорим по-русский!
Some familiarity with the Greek alphabet is recommended, but not required.
H431: The Two Lenses: Adhering to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights While Maintaining Cultural Values
Difficulty: **
Julien Rosenbloom
The “Two Lenses” lecture examines the relationship between the cultural aspect and ethical aspect to human rights law and the general notion of human rights, which make up the two lenses by which human rights violations and measures of adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 are evaluated. It considers a wide range of case studies in such countries as Malawi, Sudan, Liberia, and the like; in such revolutions as South Sudan’s (and its ensuing civil war), Haiti’s, Latin America’s, the Arab Spring, and the United States’; and in such practices as genital mutilation (especially in females), early and arranged marriages, chiefdom, and religious rites; and challenges the students to think critically about the lens with which these are typically associated and evaluate these associations. Transitory instances of human rights violations and adherences will also be discussed. An overlying theme that will be frequently synthesized into case studies and concept discussions is the role of westernization and the westernization of human rights as a whole. Within this framework, students will leave with a broadened understanding of human rights and current events and be able to utilize the case studies and concepts as catalysts for discussion and debate in the future.
A background in world history may prove helpful in contributing to and engaging in discussion and debate, though it is certainly not required.
A background in world history may prove helpful in contributing to and engaging in discussion and debate, though it is certainly not required.
Math & Computer Science
M381: Math Without Numbers: An Accessible Introduction to Group Theory
Difficulty: **
Eva Farkas
What does math look like to you? When you think of math, do you consider counting or calculus, fractions or prime factorization? The quadratic formula or the value of a handful of quarters? If you generally think of things like these, where math is grounded in the real numbers, take this class to learn about some of the algebraic structures that can extend the properties we use with the reals to all sorts of objects- like matrices, symmetric pictures and even candy!
Familiarity with group theory is neither required nor expected. Some straightforward proofs will be included. This class is meant to be accessible to anyone who wants to do math with M&Ms!
Familiarity with group theory is neither required nor expected. Some straightforward proofs will be included. This class is meant to be accessible to anyone who wants to do math with M&Ms!
M387: Introduction to LaTeX
Difficulty: *
Silas Grossberndt
Introduction to the LaTeX programming language. Learn the markup language that is used in Maths and Sciences to write up mathematical equations in a nice font. For instance $$A=2 \pi r$$.
M391: AP Calculus: Limits and Derivatives
Difficulty: **
Jason Mares
Course will cover basic limit rules, and focus on introducing the idea of the derivative. Heavy emphasis on differentiation.
M392: AP Calculus: Methods of Integration
Difficulty: ***
Jason Mares
A dive into the process of integration and the variety of methods that can be used.
Calculus (only derivatives) Precalculus
Calculus (only derivatives) Precalculus
M393: ODES: Diffeq Doesn't Have to Be Diffeqult
Difficulty: ***
Amanda Liu
Differential equations is by no means an easy class. Here we'll enjoy a little crash course in ODE basics and some methods of how to solve them. Completely painless, I swear.
A working understanding of differential and integral calculus. Some knowledge of vectors.
A working understanding of differential and integral calculus. Some knowledge of vectors.
M411: Why computers make so many billionaires
Difficulty: *
Nathan Bendich
Want to be rich?
I'll at least show you how Gates and Zuckerberg made their money. Can't promise billions, unfortunately
I'll at least show you how Gates and Zuckerberg made their money. Can't promise billions, unfortunately
M417: Mathematical Modeling
Difficulty: **
Jessie Oehrlein
Math modeling is how we use mathematics to study open-ended questions about real-world phenomena. What's the best location for a food truck? How does an invasive species affect an ecosystem? How do we clean up space debris? These are all questions that we can start to answer with math modeling. The goal of this class is to introduce you to the modeling process. By the end, you'll have developed models to answer questions about a couple of different scenarios, and you'll know about some of the tools you can use to tackle more significant modeling problems.
Comfort with basic algebra and a willingness to tackle very open-ended problems.
Comfort with basic algebra and a willingness to tackle very open-ended problems.
M418: Alternative geometries
Difficulty: ***
Olga-Sofia Tabac
A short survey of alternative geometries, their basic characteristics, and applications.
M449: Who Can Name the Bigger Number?
Difficulty: **
Urvya Iyer,
Taylor Tu
What's the biggest number you can think of? In this class, we'll talk about the history of big numbers, Turing machines, and systems of big numbers like Ackermann numbers and Busy Beaver Numbers. Then we'll discuss the concept of infinity and other cool things. Based on Scott Aaronson's essay.
No real prerequisites besides basic algebra. An interest in math or computer science is a plus!
No real prerequisites besides basic algebra. An interest in math or computer science is a plus!
M450: Intro to Combinatorics
Difficulty: **
Mauricio Rivera
Combinatorics. Counting. Card games. Some other word that starts with a C. We will demystify combinatorics and study some of its real-world applications, particularly with regard to its use in gambling games such as blackjack and poker.
High school algebra.
High school algebra.
M452: Intro to Matrices
Difficulty: **
Mauricio Rivera
Matrices, that one topic covered for a couple weeks in algebra class and then never mentioned again. What's their purpose? We will study some interesting properties of matrices and discover how they can be used to solve tricky-tricky math problems. The power of math compels you!
High school algebra and a basic understanding of what matrices are.
High school algebra and a basic understanding of what matrices are.
S385: Introduction to Feynman Diagrams
Difficulty: ***
Silas Grossberndt
A brief mathematical introduction to Feynman diagrams for particle physics. Learn how to use Feynman diagrams and their purpose in Particle physics.
Calculus Knowledge of Multi-variable calculus would help
Calculus Knowledge of Multi-variable calculus would help
S394: Death by Chemistry Full!
Difficulty: **
Amanda Liu
It was Colonel Mustard in the parlor with the strychnine tablets. While I may not be a judge or Viola Davis, I do have a working knowledge of chemistry. If you do too, we'll explore some of the most fantastic deaths dreamable based on the chemistry behind them.
S398: The Chemistry of Color
Difficulty: **
Come learn about some of the awesome chemical structures that color the world around us. We'll be exploring transition metal complexes, the organic dye lycopene, and what gives butterfly wings their color.
General Chemistry Knowledge
General Chemistry Knowledge
S406: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology: An Introduction to Astronomy
Difficulty: *
Sara Cheris,
Bowen Yu
This class will provide an overview of interesting topics in astronomy. We will be focusing more on concepts rather than rigorous mathematical descriptions of astronomical phenomenon. Topics to be discussed include stellar evolution, galaxies types, cosmological principles, basic special and general relativity, black holes, current events, and anything that you find interesting!
S410: What is science?
Difficulty: *
Nathan Bendich
Why should you care about science?
How have science and engineering made the modern world virtually free of disease and famine?
Most upper-level science classes involve huge amounts of math and memorization, but science is truly something much simpler and more powerful than all that mess
We'll talk a bit about human biases as well. Even if you think this class might be too basic for you, I bet I have some philosophical questions that will interest you. Plus, (spoiler alert) we might watch Oprah
It would help if you could read, but even that shouldn't be necessary
How have science and engineering made the modern world virtually free of disease and famine?
Most upper-level science classes involve huge amounts of math and memorization, but science is truly something much simpler and more powerful than all that mess
We'll talk a bit about human biases as well. Even if you think this class might be too basic for you, I bet I have some philosophical questions that will interest you. Plus, (spoiler alert) we might watch Oprah
It would help if you could read, but even that shouldn't be necessary
S419: Crash Course to Immunology Full!
Difficulty: **
Edith Campana
Ever wonder how humans continue to survive despite being exposed to so much bacteria every day? How does the body protect itself? Why is that some people are immune to some diseases than others? How has the study of immunology changed the way we look at disease.
S421: A Psychoanalysis of Political Figures
Difficulty: **
Rashi Bhatt,
Julian Maceren
Have you ever wondered what goes on in the minds of the political figures? A lot of times, the media's analysis on these figures are unfounded speculations, unsupported by actual psychological theory. In this course we will psychoanalyze political figures, taking deep dives into the inner-workings of their minds with consideration of the clashing political stress and desire to maintain calm that affects their character.
S422: World Health and Epidemiology
Difficulty: **
Rashi Bhatt,
Julian Maceren
We will discuss world health issues, including the growing prevalence and distribution of diseases such as Ebola, Zika, and Yellow Fever, and the mechanisms by which these diseases populate so rapidly, as well as public health policies and their effects in society on a worldwide basis. We will also go over previous efforts to deter the effects of epidemics and pandemics (Ex. 1918 Influenza Virus) by multiple nations and the United Nations World Health Organization.
S423: Cognitive Illusions: Judgment, Decision Making, and Self-Perception
Difficulty: *
Katherine Broekman
Cognitive illusions are the result of the shortcuts our brains make while interpreting incoming information and making decisions. This class focuses on very compelling cognitive illusions centered on judgment. decision making, and self-perception. This course will be independent of the first cognitive illusions course, so feel free to sign up for either one or both classes!
S424: Cognitive Illusions: Memory, Perception & Attention
Difficulty: *
Katherine Broekman
Cognitive illusions are the result of the shortcuts our brains make while interpreting incoming information and making decisions. This class focuses on very compelling cognitive illusions centered on memory, perception, and attention. This course will be independent of the second cognitive illusions course, so feel free to sign up for either one or both classes!
S425: Applied Neuroscience: Remotely Controlling a Roach's Actions Full!
Difficulty: **
Anthony Chesebro
The nervous system is a complex network of electrical systems all working in sync with one another. Understanding the signaling and encoding methods that these networks use is the key to unlocking the secrets of the brain's computational power. By tapping into the neural pathways that transmit sensory information, it is possible to influence the actions of the host. In this class demonstration, a cyborg roach is created by implanting electrodes into the roach's antenna nerves. This allows the experimenter to control the movement of the roach via a wireless phone uplink. If you're interested in any branch of neuroscience (or you just want to see a cool experiment), this is the class for you!
There are live roaches in the experiment, so be forewarned. There is a handout provided containing the ethics statement of altering the roach's nervous system, in case you have any concerns.
There are live roaches in the experiment, so be forewarned. There is a handout provided containing the ethics statement of altering the roach's nervous system, in case you have any concerns.
S427: Psychology of the Child
Difficulty: **
Gelila Yitsege
Starting with conception, moving through the first year, and flying through onto adolescence, we'll be going through what exactly is going on in a child as they go through life. This will be a very introductory course, so don't be intimidated if this is a totally new topic!
S428: Volcanoes and Mass Extinctions: Connecting the Greatest Mass Extinction to the Largest Flood Basalt
Difficulty: **
Eva Baransky
How has the Permian extinction, the greatest mass extinction known to date, gone without definitive explanation for 252 million years? This course will explore the theories behind this elusive catastrophe and focus in on a promising culprit, the Siberian Flood Basalts. By connecting these two extreme scientific entities, we will exam how a volcanic system could have caused such an event and how scientists are piecing together this incredible story.
Basic chemistry concepts helpful (le chatelier's principle, equilibrium characteristics, etc)
Basic chemistry concepts helpful (le chatelier's principle, equilibrium characteristics, etc)
S432: Sheep Brain Dissection Full!
Difficulty: **
Rachel Mikofsky,
Jeremy Sherman
In this class you will learn a bit about neuroscience and brain anatomy by dissecting a sheep brain! Please wear clothing that you don't care about as you may get a bit dirty. We will supply gloves, dissection kits and the brains!
Intro High School Biology
Intro High School Biology
S435: Why People Beleive Weird Things: An Intro to Anomalistic Psychology
Difficulty: **
Abby Feinberg,
Nina Plotnikov
What do ghosts, astrology, lizard people, mind reading, and alien abductions have in common? They are all strange beliefs that aren't backed by science! But that doesn't mean that your weird aunt who does palm readings is crazy, quite the opposite, actually. There are plenty of reasonable explanations for why people believe in strange things, and we are here to tell you all about them!
S441: From Frankenstein to Ex Machina: Creating Consciousness in Science and Pop Culture
Difficulty: **
Pooja Desai,
Emma Holt
Questions about our consciousness have been at the core of scientific and social questioning for centuries. What makes us human? What is the human consciousness? These tensions are as apparent in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as they are in today's world of Artificial Intelligence, and films such as "Her" and "Ex Machina". This class will explore the scientific roots behind these pop-culture phenomena. How do memory and personality form? What makes us fully intelligent and conscious beings? What makes us, us? And, as we move into a world of Artificial Intelligence, how do these questions shape our interactions and our futures.
None, but recommended to have some familiarity with these pop culture topics.
None, but recommended to have some familiarity with these pop culture topics.
S443: "Not Even Once!" : Psychostimulant addiction and why you should never do them
Difficulty: **
Andrea Jurado
This class is a fine-tuned lecture about methamphetamine addiction and why over 88% of patients with meth-abuse disorder relapse. In addition to amphetamines, we will be discussing cocaine abuse disorder. Overall, this class will be based taught from a neuroscience point of view, with a slight emphasis on the biopsychosocial aspects concerning patients suffering from substance abuse disorder.
Basic brain biology and strong interest in drug abuse topics
Basic brain biology and strong interest in drug abuse topics
S446: Technology and Urban Sustainability
Difficulty: **
Hee Jin Koo,
Rosemary Torola
Combining two prominent and rapidly developing fields, this course will focus on the intersections between technology and the environment. The lecture will explore advances that induce societies to progress towards sustainable living. Students will be exposed to local organizations that promote environmental responsibility, green communities around the globe, and cutting-edge technology that enable these changes.
S451: Is it bacterium or bacteria? Bacterial communities and how they work!
Difficulty: **
Krista Cortez
Multicellularity independently evolved more than 20 times and is found in all three domains of life, suggesting cells' ability to assemble into structured communities. Bacteria are part of dynamic communities called biofilms under most natural settings. However, our thinking about the development of multicellular organisms is traditionally restricted to eukaryotes. Little attention is given to structural organization in bacterial communities. Let's change that!
S453: Food as Medicine
Difficulty: **
Jessie Cai
I bet you don't look at the vegetables on your plate and think "these will help me get over this cold." However, foods, herbs, and traditional remedies from cultures around the world are, in fact, the true origin of today's pills and creams. Swept up by confidence in western medicine, it's easy to forget the role of food as part of our medicine cabinet. Come learn what foods and herbs improve health, ranging from immune to the digestive system, how they do so, and why it's becoming really important to incorporate your food as medicine.
S454: Natural Medicines
Difficulty: **
Zuben Brown,
Stephanie Siegmund
Have you ever wondered where we get all of our medicines, from the pills we take every day to the expensive regimens administered in the ICU of hospitals? Why are some medicines "natural" and others not? And are "natural" medicines really any different, or better for us?
Come learn about meds, in this class designed for all eager minds!
Come learn about meds, in this class designed for all eager minds!
S413: Quantum Mechanics I: A Mathematical Perspective
Difficulty: ****
David Grabovsky
In this class, we will attempt to build quantum mechanics up from the ground. We start with the mathematical formalism that describes wave functions, the strange inhabitants of an infinite-dimensional world known as the Hilbert space $$L^2$$, as well as a special class of the linear operators that roam this space. We will go on to discuss the physical meaning of this formalism, along the way exploring probability and the measurement problem. And for the grand finale, we will prove Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and show, using the spectral theorem, that no two incompatible observables admit a simultaneous eigenbasis.
While this class is not for the faint of heart and relies on some pretty powerful mathematical machinery, it does not assume any previous experience with quantum mechanics, or even physics for that matter. We have a lot to cover and will be moving fast, but I hope you will enjoy the ride!
This class is the first in a two-part sequence of quantum mechanics. The second class approaches quantum mechanics from a completely different perspective and covers completely different material focused on the Schrödinger equation, its origins, solutions, and limitations. Students are encouraged to take both classes, but each one is self-contained and can be taken independently.
As much math as possible. A working knowledge of single-variable calculus is absolutely essential, and the more linear algebra you know, the more exciting this class will be for you. In addition, I will assume proficiency with complex numbers. If you find yourself questioning whether to take the plunge, I refer you to the words of Paul Halmos: "The beginner […] should not be discouraged if […] he finds he does not have the prerequisites for reading the prerequisites."
While this class is not for the faint of heart and relies on some pretty powerful mathematical machinery, it does not assume any previous experience with quantum mechanics, or even physics for that matter. We have a lot to cover and will be moving fast, but I hope you will enjoy the ride!
This class is the first in a two-part sequence of quantum mechanics. The second class approaches quantum mechanics from a completely different perspective and covers completely different material focused on the Schrödinger equation, its origins, solutions, and limitations. Students are encouraged to take both classes, but each one is self-contained and can be taken independently.
As much math as possible. A working knowledge of single-variable calculus is absolutely essential, and the more linear algebra you know, the more exciting this class will be for you. In addition, I will assume proficiency with complex numbers. If you find yourself questioning whether to take the plunge, I refer you to the words of Paul Halmos: "The beginner […] should not be discouraged if […] he finds he does not have the prerequisites for reading the prerequisites."
S414: Quantum Mechanics II: A Physical Perspective
Difficulty: ****
David Grabovsky
In this class, we will attempt to invent quantum mechanics. We begin with empty space, governed classically by Maxwell's equations. We will derive the wave equation and start shooting electromagnetic plane waves at a conducting surface, discovering (with Einstein's help) the photoelectric effect. On a whim, we will reformulate the wave equation in terms of its energy and momentum; by considering a massive particle from this perspective, we will find ourselves face to face with the Schrödinger equation. For the rest of the class, we will discuss some consequences, solutions, and limitations of the equation. As a grand finale—time permitting—we will break free of Schrödinger's non-relativistic limit and discover the Klein-Gordon equation, which describes all relativistic spinless particles.
This class is certainly not for the faint of heart, and relies on powerful mathematical machinery in addition to a considerable amount of classical physics. We have a lot to cover and will be moving fast, but I hope you will enjoy the ride!
This class is the second in a two-part sequence of quantum mechanics. The first class approaches quantum mechanics from a completely different perspective and covers completely different material focused on the mathematical formalism governing quantum mechanics. Students are encouraged to take both classes, but each one is self-contained and can be taken independently.
As much math and physics as possible: single-variable calculus is absolutely essential and multivariable calculus (the more dimensions, the better!) is highly recommended. Proficiency with complex numbers is indispensable, and some experience with simple differential equations would be nice. In terms of physics, the more classical electromagnetism you have seen, the better (We start with Maxwell's equations!). Having special relativity under your belt is also a plus, though not strictly required. Above all, this class requires physical curiosity and mathematical fearlessness.
This class is certainly not for the faint of heart, and relies on powerful mathematical machinery in addition to a considerable amount of classical physics. We have a lot to cover and will be moving fast, but I hope you will enjoy the ride!
This class is the second in a two-part sequence of quantum mechanics. The first class approaches quantum mechanics from a completely different perspective and covers completely different material focused on the mathematical formalism governing quantum mechanics. Students are encouraged to take both classes, but each one is self-contained and can be taken independently.
As much math and physics as possible: single-variable calculus is absolutely essential and multivariable calculus (the more dimensions, the better!) is highly recommended. Proficiency with complex numbers is indispensable, and some experience with simple differential equations would be nice. In terms of physics, the more classical electromagnetism you have seen, the better (We start with Maxwell's equations!). Having special relativity under your belt is also a plus, though not strictly required. Above all, this class requires physical curiosity and mathematical fearlessness.
X412: Swing Dancing 101
Difficulty: *
Jessie Cai
You've seen partner dancing in Dancing with the Stars and wondered how in the world two people can be so in sync. Well, now you can learn! Swing dancing, at its basic, is 4 steps. It's lively, it's fun, and anyone can learn. No experience needed, and no partner required either, because we will be rotating! :)
Have an interest in social dancing
Have an interest in social dancing
X415: How to Change the World and Pay For School Full!
Difficulty: *
Samantha Cocove
Do you want to use your passions, talents, and skills to improve our world while your in school? Do you want to create unforgettable memories, learn through experience, and gain life-skills and wisdom? Do you need help paying for college or bulking up your resumé? Serving your community and country through volunteering is the answer you are looking for! Join me as we explore diverse opportunities for high school and college students to have all of these experiences and more.
X420: Vegans: More than Just a Joke?
Difficulty: **
Edith Campana
Veganism has been labeled a hipster fad people but maybe there is a reason to explore veganism. If you ever wondered why nobody likes Monsanto (besides the GMO debate) why indigenous groups from other countries protest the U.S state over land, and about the ethicalilty of the food you eat, this class might be you thing.
X426: Power of You(th)
Difficulty: *
Sarah Haiken
The Power of You(th) program teaches high school students how to handle peer pressure and stay true to what they personally believe in through out high school.
X434: Vampires vs Zombies
Difficulty: *
Abby Feinberg,
Nina Plotnikov
Has your friend developed a taste for brains? Does your sister sleep hanging from the rafters? Do the neighbors sometimes dig in their backyard late at night? You might be dealing with a supernatural being. Come to Vampires vs. Zombies to learn how to deal with your batty professor or the rotting, undead football team. This class will tell you all you need to know about vampalicious and zombirific folklore as well as modern adaptations!
X436: Having a Life: Time Management for the Modern Student
Difficulty: *
Emily Flahive
We've all been there: standing in front of a computer in the library during passing time, rushing to finish a paper due in 5 minutes that you've had weeks to complete.
We're all (ideally) taught to pay attention, manage our time wisely, and somehow comprehend everything we learn in class. It can feel like an unbearable amount of pressure to focus, especially if you're highly detail-oriented, have a lot on your plate, or even have an attention-deficit disorder.
However, you don't have to give up your after-school activities and personal commitments to get all of your work done! While part of our development is learning to sacrifice and prioritize, it is important to find a balance. Using your time efficiently and studying effectively are crucial skills best learned ASAP.
This discussion aims to help anyone and everyone manage their time better. Though with personally dealing with ADD for years I have lots of techniques to share, this will not solely be a lecture. If you have techniques you have found to be effective, we will be sharing them in this discussion. If you don't have techniques to share, that's fine, too. There are plenty to go around!
We're all (ideally) taught to pay attention, manage our time wisely, and somehow comprehend everything we learn in class. It can feel like an unbearable amount of pressure to focus, especially if you're highly detail-oriented, have a lot on your plate, or even have an attention-deficit disorder.
However, you don't have to give up your after-school activities and personal commitments to get all of your work done! While part of our development is learning to sacrifice and prioritize, it is important to find a balance. Using your time efficiently and studying effectively are crucial skills best learned ASAP.
This discussion aims to help anyone and everyone manage their time better. Though with personally dealing with ADD for years I have lots of techniques to share, this will not solely be a lecture. If you have techniques you have found to be effective, we will be sharing them in this discussion. If you don't have techniques to share, that's fine, too. There are plenty to go around!
X437: Distracted: Studying and Focusing Techniques for Effective Learning
Difficulty: **
Emily Flahive
100+ pages of reading per night is doable. I promise. However, it is not enough to just read, but to *understand* what you have read as well. How can we avoid distractions, headaches, exhaustion, and boredom?
Studying and focusing are skills demanded of us in our classes. We are told *what* to do -- to study and be responsible for comprehending material -- but not taught *how* to do it. At least, not in too many different ways.
While we are taught how to outline, not everyone has the time to make sure their roman numerals are aligned in their informal notes. There are many different learning styles for many different types of students, and many different techniques should therefore be explored.
We will spend time identifying different studying, reading, and note-taking techniques and environmental factors to improve comprehension and retention so you will become better at making good use of your time and energy.
Not all techniques will work well for one student. However, finding success with even just one new technique will make a substantial difference in your comprehension and academic performance.
Bring your own techniques to share with others, as well, if you would like!
Studying and focusing are skills demanded of us in our classes. We are told *what* to do -- to study and be responsible for comprehending material -- but not taught *how* to do it. At least, not in too many different ways.
While we are taught how to outline, not everyone has the time to make sure their roman numerals are aligned in their informal notes. There are many different learning styles for many different types of students, and many different techniques should therefore be explored.
We will spend time identifying different studying, reading, and note-taking techniques and environmental factors to improve comprehension and retention so you will become better at making good use of your time and energy.
Not all techniques will work well for one student. However, finding success with even just one new technique will make a substantial difference in your comprehension and academic performance.
Bring your own techniques to share with others, as well, if you would like!
X439: Cake Baking Full!
Difficulty: *
Silas Grossberndt,
Rachel Mikofsky
Learn the basics of cake baking, from how egg to flour proportions changes the density of a cake, to why some cakes want sifter flour and others don't, and how to effectively substitute flavors and ingredients with out sacrificing the presentation or taste.
Have a desire to eat/ make cake ***Note, cake provided will NOT be gluten free*****
Have a desire to eat/ make cake ***Note, cake provided will NOT be gluten free*****
X440: Ole' Papi's beginner knot seminar.
Difficulty: *
Cole Dunbar
Come on by and hear ole' papi's thoughts on the most important knots of yesteryear. Learn how to tie up the bear you just caught, keep your fishin' boat from floating away, or even save Baby June when she falls into the river—all with a few simple knots.
Papi will be gifting a length of his trademarked Ole' Papi's Knot tying cord to every student!
*Not being a knot aficionado *One or more hands
Papi will be gifting a length of his trademarked Ole' Papi's Knot tying cord to every student!
*Not being a knot aficionado *One or more hands
X455: Science and Politics
Difficulty: **
Zuben Brown,
Stephanie Siegmund
In science class, we learn the scientific method as a process designed to uncover truth, and to investigate the world around us in an unbiased and empirical way. Still, science is conducted by people, and scientists have historically had a complicated relationship with religion and politics. Come learn about some of the ways in which science and politics have clashed or worked together in the United States! We will focus on lead poisoning & leaded gasoline.
Y384: Horrible Histories: The Bloody Reign of Henry VIII
Difficulty: *
Amani Mohamed
In this seminar, we will explore the reign of one of England's most notorious rulers, Henry VIII, particularly the awfully high number of people he sent to the scaffold, many of which had at one time been friends and loved ones of the king.
Y390: Prisons in Nazi Germany & the Soviet Gulag
Difficulty: **
Rocio Meza
Many students have heard about the Holocaust, but not everyone is familiar with the prison camps set up in the Soviet Union. While the Soviets helped the Allies defeat Adolf Hitler & rescued millions from their death, Stalin had his own concentration camps.
This class will give you a side by side comparison of the daily life of prisoner in both Nazi Germany and the Gulag. We will cover everything from daily calories, prevalence of diseases, medical care, and labor.
This class will give you a side by side comparison of the daily life of prisoner in both Nazi Germany and the Gulag. We will cover everything from daily calories, prevalence of diseases, medical care, and labor.
Y429: The 20th Century
Difficulty: **
Armando León
This course will examine the history of the 20th century in the West, placing it in context with key global events such as imperialism, the two World Wars, decolonization, the Cold War and the modern War on Terror. Emphasis will be placed on the important social, political and economic changes that take place throughout the world during the 20th century. In addition we will review some key assumptions to how we talk about history today: Were there really two World Wars? What is the East and what is the West? What is globalism, and does it really exist? Is the Cold War really over?
Y430: Motels, Drive-Ins and Malls: American Car Culture in the Post War Period
Difficulty: **
Armando León
This course will examine the rise of American car culture in the post-war period by looking at the rise of motels, drive-ins and malls, among other things. Special attention will be paid to the consumer culture following the war, the lives of peoples living in a new suburban America and how car culture became central to the formation of the suburbs and making new modes of consumption possible.
Y442: Avengers 101: A Glimpse at the Marvel Cinematic Universe Full!
Difficulty: **
Andrea Jurado
We all know Iron Man is better than Captain America, right? And the new Spider-man (Tom Holland) just rocked us with his performance during Captain America Civil War. But do you know what's in store for the rest of the Avengers in the Cinematic Universe? What will happen to Thor or Loki? So many questions, so little time! Come and geek out with me on all things Avengers-related! We'll talk about Avengers Infinity Wars and the history and future of our heroes when the supervillain Thanos comes around!
PS: DC fans are welcome :)
PS: DC fans are welcome :)
Y445: Important French chefs you've probably never heard of
Difficulty: **
Mirella Blum
Where does modern kitchen culture come from? How can the cooking of the Troisgros family in Roanne, France, be a distant cousin of the cooking at Momofuku? This course will focus on a number of important French chefs, beginning with Fernand Point at La Pyramide, and will explain his vast and continuing influence over today's restaurant scene, even in New York (and beyond). We will focus on pivotal moments in French cuisine, and touch briefly on other issues such as gender in historical kitchens. Assumes little to no experience with culinary history.