ESP Biography

AMANDA LIU, SEAS freshman studying BME with a possible CS mino

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Columbia University

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Amanda Liu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M742: A Tour of Turing in Splash Fall 2018 (Oct. 28, 2018)
A thrilling guided tour of Alan Turing's conception of the Universal Machine: the basis of the modern computer! Stops along the way include types of infinity, computability problems, the Entscheidungsproblem, and how real are real numbers actually?

M751: Fun with Fractals and Chaos Theory in Splash Fall 2018 (Oct. 28, 2018)
Come explore the both the visual and mathematical beauty behind fractals! Discover the basics of the laws that return order from chaos in the forms of strange attractors in dynamical systems.

M655: Fractal Fundamentals and Chaos Theory in Splash Spring 18 (Mar. 31, 2018)
Come explore the both the visual and mathematical beauty behind fractals! Discover the basics of the laws that return order from chaos in the forms of strange attractors in dynamical systems.

M656: Painless Differential Equations in Splash Spring 18 (Mar. 31, 2018)
Diffeq doesn't have to be diffeqult! Together we'll explore different cases, concepts, and problems. Come learn to solve linear differential equations the quick and dirty way.

M393: ODES: Diffeq Doesn't Have to Be Diffeqult in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 05, 2016)
Differential equations is by no means an easy class. Here we'll enjoy a little crash course in ODE basics and some methods of how to solve them. Completely painless, I swear.

S394: Death by Chemistry in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 05, 2016)
It was Colonel Mustard in the parlor with the strychnine tablets. While I may not be a judge or Viola Davis, I do have a working knowledge of chemistry. If you do too, we'll explore some of the most fantastic deaths dreamable based on the chemistry behind them.