ESP Biography

GLADYS VÉLEZ CAICEDO, Physics/Astrophysics Undergraduate

Major: Physics & Astronomy

College/Employer: Columbia University

Year of Graduation: Grad

Picture of Gladys Vélez Caicedo

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Gladys loves to dance, draw and derive. She studied physics and astronomy at Barnard College.

Gladys is the Founder of Columbia Educational Studies Program and education is a deep passion of hers!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S475: Introduction to Astrophysics I in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
The Early Universe: This will be a brief introduction to the origins of the Universe. We will begin to understand the conditions that gave rise to organised structure. We will ambitiously review the following: The Big Bang Theory Quantum Fluctuations Cosmological Inflation Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Baryogenesis Cosmic Microwave Background Please note: this is part of a series but each class is independent and they do not have to be taken sequentially. The material presented will be an age-appropriate introduction.

S476: Introduction to Astrophysics II in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
Evolution of Structure Formation: This will be a brief introduction to the structural and componential formation. We will begin to understand the evolution and the interactions between things in the universe and how they behave. We will ambitiously review the following: Galactic Formation Measurements and Distances Redshift The Theory of Special Relativity Please note: this is part of a series but each class is independent and they do not have to be taken sequentially. The material presented will be an age-appropriate introduction.

S477: Introduction to Astrophysics III in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
Physical Cosmology: Journey to the Frontier This will be a brief introduction into the most cohesively advanced theory in the study of the universe. We will journey to the frontier and back while trying to keep our feet and minds on terra firma. We will ambitiously review the following: Large Scale Structure Black Holes The Theory of General Relativity Please note: this is part of a series but each class is independent and they do not have to be taken sequentially. The material presented will be an age-appropriate introduction.

S478: The Singularity is Near: Post-Biological Reality in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
By the year 2035 every human entity you interact with will be a combination of biological and artificial intelligence--including yourself. This is the prediction Ray Kurzweil: futurist, Googler, and MIT alum '70. This class will be a brief introduction into the ideas and ideals of Kurzweil's radical prediction, dare I say prophesy, that precisely articulates the manner in which human thought coupled to mechanical application will lead to the creation of superintelligent beings. Kurzweil states that not only will superintelligence be the end of human biological evolution as we know it, but, perhaps more importantly, that humans will voluntarily and irreversibly transform themselves into these entities; akin to a release from the chains of the mortal body. Do you find this ethically responsible? What is the religion of technology? How can we best prepare to usher in this post-biological era? Let's talk!

A270: The Theory of K-Dot in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
There is something tremendously powerful about Kendrick Lamar’s music that reverberates within the walls of an institutionalize oppressive complex as much as it does within the collective consciousness. Kendrick Lamar’s art becomes a prism through which we are able to diffract the distinct wavelengths of the individual experience that have been elevated onto a public platform. Whether it be his deeply personal anecdotes, his unapologetic resistance, his masterful technique, Kendrick's art is an unprecedentedly, ingeniously crafted exploration of the intersections of chaos, race, poetry, religion, jazz, insanity, harmony. Kendrick Lamar encapsulates a revolution; a revolution that has distilled and disseminated far beyond the borders of his own being. This discussion will aim to explore the responsibilities that lie at the hands of a poet whose verses, although they delineate a painful reality, leave us yearning for resolution.

H271: Tibetan Spirituality and the Fundamental Structure of the Universe in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
What is order? What is chaos? What is harmony? What is unity? If the human spirit and the universe are made of the same material, does that not mean that they can be explained using the same physical rules, applied to systems made of the same matter? What is the extent of our spiritual and physical ability to understand the underlying order of the universe? Physical rules aside, how do we find harmony within the intangible? This class will explore the cross sectionalism of the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual theory and that of the cosmological model of the universe. We will trace the parallelisms between the two and come to conclusions about how two distinct approaches can lead to the same conclusion. "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” ― Leo Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata

S272: The Evolution of the Universe in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
This class will give you a solid foundation of the core physical concepts of cosmology, also know as the science of the evolution of the universe, and major recent development in the field. We will trace the development of the universe using 'time' as our basis unit and expanding all the way to present day. Topics covered: Fundamental Observations Newton vs Einstein Nucleosynthesis Inflation and the Very Early Universe Formation of Structure

S54: Why is my physics professor obsessed with Euler? in Splash Spring 2013 (Mar. 30, 2013)
Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicist who ever lived, called $$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$$ "the most remarkable formula in mathematics". He said this with reason, as this equation includes imaginary, logarithmic and trig expressions. Want to learn why exponentials and trig functions are the same thing? This class will take the royal road to trig identities in order to understand this mathematical "jewel" and how it applies to physics, specifically classical waves and quantum physics!!!

A36: Intro to Classical Spanish & Flamenco Dance in Splash Fall 2012 (Oct. 14, 2012)
Come dance some Sevillanas and Fandangos and learn this enchanting and passionate dance in the traditional Andalusian form. We will learn some basic zapateos and use castañuelas to match our step, music, and hands. We will also work a lot with properly porting our arms to match our body language. Get ready to be introduce to many different styles of music as well!

A37: Intro to Latin Dance in Splash Fall 2012 (Oct. 14, 2012)
Ever wonder how spanish people can hear the first three seconds of a song and spring up, grab a partner and start dancing for hours??? It's all in the music!!! Come learn how to dance a Bachata, Salsa, Merengue, and Cumbia with a partner! Taste a variety of the most popular dances on Latin America, and make some great friends while you're at it! Once you learn, you can take them dancing in the city!!!

S38: Modern & High Energy Astrophysics in Splash Fall 2012 (Oct. 14, 2012)
We will learn some beautiful math behind the theories that have changed our understand of modern and high-energy physics and we will look into current research efforts in this field. We will discuss very high energy telescopes/detectors, their methods and the current status of very high energy astrophysical research.