ESP Biography


Major: Applied Physics

College/Employer: Columbia University

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Ben Israeli

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S527: Geometry and Mechanics Part 1 in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
A crash course in classical mechanics, going from Newtonian through Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, then deriving the same in reverse order through geometric techniques. (more useful description later)

S536: Geometry and Mechanics Part 2 in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
A crash course in classical mechanics, going from Newtonian through Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, then deriving the same in reverse order through geometric techniques. (more useful description later)

S537: Geometry and Mechanics Part 3 in Splash Spring 2017 (Mar. 25, 2017)
A crash course in classical mechanics, going from Newtonian through Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, then deriving the same in reverse order through geometric techniques. (more useful description later)