ESP Biography

NAOMI YUDANIN, Immunology PhD. candidate at Columbia University

Major: Immunology and Microbiology PhD.

College/Employer: Columbia University

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Naomi Yudanin

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I ate a worm once, when I was little. Ever since then, the natural world has fascinated me.

Outside of science, I like to take pictures and cook delicious treats.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S45: Army of One: how your body defends itself against disease in Splash Spring 2013 (Mar. 30, 2013)
Every day, bacteria and viruses wage war on our bodies. The immune system is a finely tuned army that protects us from these intruders. Learn about the action that goes on behind the scenes to help keep you healthy.

S5: Army of One: how your body defends itself against disease in Splash Fall 2012 (Oct. 14, 2012)
Every day, bacteria and viruses wage war on our bodies. The immune system is a finely tuned army that protects us from these intruders. Learn about the action that goes on behind the scenes to help keep you healthy.