ESP Biography

MICHAEL SCHREIBER, Columbia Doctoral Candidate in Microbiology

Major: Microbiology & Immunology

College/Employer: Columbia University

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Michael Schreiber

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Michael is a fourth-year graduate student and doctoral candidate in the Microbiology & Immunology Department within the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Under the mentorship of Christian Schindler and renowned "world's virology professor" Vincent Racaniello, the host of "This Week in Virology," Michael studies the mechanisms underlying the ability of human rhinovirus, also known as the common cold virus, to infect various types of immune cells, as these mechanisms may relate to the ability of rhinovirus to trigger asthma exacerbations. Michael has over four years of teaching and tutoring experience in biology and hopes to teach at the college level later in his career.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S103: Understanding Viruses - The Kind That Make You Sick in Splash Fall 2013 (Nov. 16, 2013)
What are viruses? Are they alive? How are viruses and bacteria different? Why can't I take an antibiotic when I have a cold? In the first half of this class, we explore the basic biology of viruses, learn about how they produce disease, and introduce some of the key concepts within the discipline of virology. To explore some of these concepts in more detail, the second half of the class will focus on the biology of human rhinovirus, one of the most successful disease-producing agents on the planet and cause of the common cold.

S56: Understanding Viruses - The Kind That Make You Sick in Splash Spring 2013 (Mar. 30, 2013)
What are viruses? Are they alive? How are viruses and bacteria different? Why can't I take an antibiotic when I have a cold? In the first half of this class, we explore the basic biology of viruses, learn about how they produce disease, and introduce some of the key concepts within the discipline of virology. To explore some of these concepts in more detail, the second half of the class will focus on the biology of human rhinovirus, one of the most successful disease-producing agents on the planet and cause of the common cold.

S9: Understanding Viruses - The Kind That Make You Sick in Splash Fall 2012 (Oct. 14, 2012)
What are viruses? Are they alive? How are viruses and bacteria different? Why can't I take an antibiotic when I have a cold? In the first half of this class, we explore the basic biology of viruses, learn about how they produce disease, and introduce some of the key concepts within the discipline of virology. To explore some of these concepts in more detail, the second half of the class will focus on the biology of human rhinovirus, one of the most successful disease-producing agents on the planet and cause of the common cold.