ESP Biography
ISABEL BARANSKY, Columbia U 3rd year majoring in Applied Physics
Major: Applied Physics College/Employer: Bank of America Year of Graduation: 2015 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I am a recent graduate of Columbia University majoring in Applied Physics and minoring in Music. I absolutely love teaching and volunteering-- it's a real passion of mine. If you ever have any questions about college, my areas of study, or ways to get into education/involved in your community, please come talk to me! I'd be happy to help. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S325: Higgs Boson: Demystified in Splash Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 14, 2015)
It's all you've heard about the past few years. Everyone is exhilarated about its existence. People keep telling you that its changed how we understand the physical world.
But... what is it?
Together, we will delve into exactly what the Higgs Boson is and why it matters. We'll take a trip through particle physics, astrophysics, Einstein, and a bunch of other cool stuff. You know why? Because the Higgs Boson IS COOL.
Come learn about why this phenomenon is actually a phenomenon in a way that is both approachable and impactful.
S223: Quantum Mechanics: A Conceptual Understanding in Splash Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 15, 2014)
Quantum mechanics is a really scary term. It's thrown around a lot, but without much context.
What does it actually mean and why should we care?
Come learn a conceptual understanding of what Schrodinger's equation actually means and why everything you've ever learned about physics in high school is totally wrong.
M174: An (Understandable) Introduction to Partial Differential Equations in Splash Spring 14 (Apr. 05, 2014)
Partial differential equations... well, that's a mouthful. It's feared by all, approached by few. And it's so ridiculously useful we can't ignore it forever.
But it's really not THAT bad. However, no one knows that. Come take this class and learn the basics of PDE (separation of variables, eigenvalues, etc) so that you can brag to your friends about how smart you are. And they'll have no choice but to believe you, because they'll have no idea what you're talking about!
But, seriously, PDE is a great tool for any aspiring physicist, and it's much easier than people give it credit for. Take the path less traveled and learn about this amazing field of mathematics.
S114: Stars and their Physical Properties in Splash Fall 2013 (Nov. 16, 2013)
Stars are more than pretty objects in the sky-- they are beautifully dynamic, evolving, gigantic chunks of mass that have created every element imaginable, including you!
Together, we will explore the birth of stars, their life cycles, and their deaths. Come learn about the amazing phenomenon that is a black hole, and how to rip a hole in space time. Understand what exactly a "supernova" is, and why it's so important. Explore degeneracy and its immense power. And just have a good time!
S46: The Whispers of Stars: Information from Stellar Objects in Splash Spring 2013 (Mar. 30, 2013)
Stars are more than pretty objects in the sky-- they reveal invaluable information to scientists. Redshifts in stars uncover the true age of the universe. Binary systems are used to identify elusive black holes. And formations of galaxies indicate the behavior of the early universe.
In this course we will explore the various techniques used to extract as much information from stars as possible. We will explore locations of super massive black holes, the looming star Nemesis that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, and how every element around us came into being.
X52: SAT: Critical Reading in Splash Spring 2013 (Mar. 30, 2013)
PART OF THE SAT SEQUENCE TRACK. A crash course in the Critical Reading section of the SAT.
S1: The Concept of Nothing in Splash Fall 2012 (Oct. 14, 2012)
What is nothing? Does it even exist? This idea has baffled scientists and mathematicians alike for millennia. It frightened Aristotle, was too powerful for Newton to explain. It was satanic and declared evil by the Church. All theories fabricated to mask it failed miserably. And when it was finally discovered using the concept of a vacuum, it eluded us yet again. What is this all-powerful nothing? Explore the history of this scientific mystery in "The Concept of Nothing"